This is my first spider got it about 2 years ago sizing only 1 cm by feeding and giving it special attention it grows at 5 inches in this present time. if you are interested in this kind of pet here is some advice. Try to research in the internet about the species you have. there is a lot of care sheets posted in the internet for this kind of species. My Albo is docile so it can be handled by a human easily. but be careful because somtimes it bites. i often feed her with roaches and superworms. I also have her husband. a male albo which reaches 7 inches in leg span. this species will live up to 4-7 years with proper care. males only live up to 4 years
here is a picture of a my male albo
here is a female
the female is huge than the male. i actually breeded them once and i will breed them soon. thier last breeding produces about 500+ slings.
heres some pics.
i made a video when i remove thier eggsac. but i lost it.
heres some more pics
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