Tuesday, April 26, 2011

MY Brachypelma Albopilosum (Hondurian Curly Hair)

This is my first spider got it about 2 years ago sizing only 1 cm by feeding and giving it special attention it grows at 5 inches in this present time. if you are interested in this kind of pet here is some advice. Try to research in the internet about the species you have. there  is a lot of care sheets posted in the internet for this kind of species. My Albo is docile so it can be handled by a human easily. but be careful because somtimes it bites. i often feed her with roaches and superworms. I also have her husband. a male albo which reaches 7 inches in leg span. this species will live up to 4-7 years with proper care. males only live up to 4 years

here is a picture of a my male albo

here is a female

the female is huge than the male. i actually breeded them once and i will breed them soon. thier last breeding produces about 500+ slings.

heres some pics.

i made a video when i remove thier eggsac. but i lost it.

heres some more pics

My Golden Flower Horn

My Golden Flowerhorn is about 10 months old now this kind of fish when it come to eating they are not so picky. My fish likes to eat everything i gave him, i keep him in a big tank with a filter and a hitter. many of my friends wants to buy this but i can afford to let it out of my sight because of its beauty and grace.

i often gave him fish food and sometimes dog food is enough. this one is a good pet too and it also helps relieve stress.

My Asian Forest Scorp (Heterometrus Spinifer)

This is my Asian Forest Scorpion (Heterometrus Spinifer) it is similar to emperor scorpion, but the emperor has a much bigger pincher. Im not sure but i think this species originated at Thailand and some local forest in Asian Countries. The behaviour of this species are docile but sometimes they are aggressive when threatened. this is also a nice pet because they are not poisonous their sting is like a bee sting unless your allergic to bees then it would kill you. I really like this scorpion when it devour its prey. Sometimes i spend lots of time watching this species eating because it is nice to watch and they put up a really good show.

Here is some of its pic.

My Arrowana

This is my silver Arowana got it last March 2011 at about 5 inches long and this present time it fastly grow on about 12 inches or equivalent to 1 feet. This type of fishes are carnivorous and bony. i often feed them with small fishes and and roaches. This fish consumes my one hour of each day because i like to stare to him because of his unpredictable behaviour. This fish helps me relax after a hard day work by just staring at it. it s hard to identify the sex of this species. But for those who want to make this fish a pet please do a lot of research.

My Lab "Kev"

Meet my pet "kev" a Black labrador retriever. commonly we can see this dogs in tv shows and some heroic act like rescue or being an assistant of a disabled persons. But for me Kev became a helpful, playful and kind pet. I got Kev 2 years ago. he was a lonely pet and shy type of puppy before but with mutual understanding and some good communication made our bonding strong. He likes to play with my baby cousin. Kev give our family of another vision that dogs are not enemies they are friendly and helpful. me and my family really loves Kev. Kev likes to play frisbee and catching tennis balls. If you want a pet dog try a labrador retriever its not only a good pet but also a stress buster pet.